““Miranda is funny, smart, kind, and super on-the-ball. We did amazing things in my physical space and I have no doubt she can help organize or execute any project. She has not only great energy & execution but also great ideas that I know will keep reverberating in my space & my life for years to come. Thanks so much, Miranda!””
““In addition to her great organizational skills and clever solutions to space problems, Miranda’s gentle encouragement and positive attitude make her an ideal home organizer.
She helped me with three different projects: the first was organizing my former living space, where she helped me go through those last few boxes that had languished, find homes for random items, and even designed a reading nook by putting a chair that was a bit too large for the bedroom into the oversized closet and hanging the cord and bulb from a broken lamp that I hadn’t yet thrown away for lighting (I have a hard time throwing things that could be useful away).
The second was packing up to move out of that apartment: in a few hours with Miranda I went from feeling like the packing process would be incredibly time-consuming and exhausting, to feeling like I was far ahead of schedule and would not have to devote nearly as much time as I had thought - a feeling that turned out be true; I just needed that extra push to get me started on the task at hand. I also noticed while unpacking that the boxes Miranda and I had packed together were better organized and therefore easier to unpack.
Lastly, Miranda assisted me in doing the last bits of organizing and decorating my space after buying and moving into my first home. I had been living there a few weeks, so my essentials were already unpacked; Miranda helped me organize the last few details, and figure out where to place furniture and decorative items to make a home that was warm and inviting.
Every time I’ve worked with her I’ve not only seen the immediate results, but learned skills and methods that help me maintain a wonderful and relaxing clutter-free living environment.””
Before I was even walking, my mom used to sit me down on the living room floor with a tin of tiny hair barrettes to sort. (...doesn't that seem like a choking hazard, Mom?) She tells me that I'd sit and rearrange them for hours, into various multicolored piles of shapes and styles.
Me, circa 1987. No barrettes to sort, but I've got blocks and Play-Doh!
While I was still in elementary school, I developed a fascination with Microsoft Excel. I made a pink construction-paper poster that explained how functions worked. I wasn't just excited about systems; I wanted to share them with others. In high school I stayed late to clean out my friends' lockers, and my sister paid me a portion of her allowance to tidy her room each week.
Getting organized doesn't have to mean getting rid of mementos; see?
Organizing spaces brings me joy like nothing else. I love my label maker like some people love red wine. I am to Office Depot what Holly Golightly was to Tiffany's. I'm passionate about creating beautiful systems that you can't help but make use of. There's a constant push and pull between serenity and excitement in my life, and I want to help you tap into your ability to create that kind of environment for yourself.
Now don't get me wrong; I've had my own challenges with organization, too. I have a full life and an equally full social calendar. I like to take on lots of projects at once: craft projects, fancy recipes, dates with friends, classes, workshops. I have boxes of gear for my various hobbies: ballet clothes, camping gear, acrylic paint, mosaic supplies, board games... it goes on and on!
I also have a stamp collection. It's the perfect hobby for an organizer, with its endless sorting and categorizing.
After organizing for hundreds of hours with a variety of clients in the Seattle area, I've turned my passion into a full-time job. I love working with others who have full, active lives: you might be a busy professional, a stay-at-home mom, a small business owner, a community volunteer, a friend, a partner, an artist... or all of the above! I know it's easy to get overwhelmed when you're pulled in so many different directions; it's no wonder you feel like you're falling short or don't know where to start anymore. I'm confident you'll find that as we work together, you'll have more time and energy for all the things that matter to you.