Find Time to Cook Dinner

Have you been meaning to start cooking more? Or at least make a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and pack some healthy lunches for yourself? If you're anything like me, you have a whole Pinterest board of meals that require kitchen appliances you don't even own. But if eating healthy is a goal for you, you can bet that getting organized will put you on the right track!

Right now you might be afraid to even look in the back of your fridge. What is that liquid dripping in the bottom? You have an overflowing cabinet of mystery spices and old herbs that have lost all flavor. You get home from work too tired to make anything, can't remember what you need to pick up at the grocery store, or don't have enough clean dishes, much less counter space for laying down a cutting board.

Once you've taken control of your space, you'll know what's in your fridge, and you can actually find the right spices in your cabinet. You can find time to do meal planning the weekend before, and make a list for the store. It's a joy to work in a clean space and have all the right tools at hand. And if you have any foodie friends, you won't be shy to invite them over to act as sous chef! You may even want to celebrate with a dinner party with all your friends, in your new clean space. Bon appétit!